ABRAHAM LINCOLN VAMPIRE HUNTER- What sounds, and probably should remain a gag/fan short film, is actually going to be hitting our theaters in June of 2012, helmed by some major talent. Most notably Director Timur Bekmambetov of WANTED fame. I enjoyed WANTED, I thought it was way better than the joyless and annoying comic book it was based on, and find Bekmambetov to be a talented and visually exciting director, and those gifts are in full effect in this trailer.

Our 16th President may not exactly, in the great beyond, be enthused about this usage and monster-mashup mythification (yes I did just make that up)of his image, but it seems to be, if not exactly respectful, at least in the spirit of fun tall tales, and if anyone can understand that it’s a good old Kentuckian like our former President.

And the trailer visually looks like a lot of fun. If there’s a story to hold it together it may be a fun, brainless summer flick. Or it could be in excessively bad taste… time will tell.

View the trailer here.

I also watched three other trailers:

SPIDERMAN- The 2nd trailer makes me no more interested. The trailer commits the cardinal sin of just being boring, plus I don’t like anyone in the film. Particularly the new Peter Parker, just no personality. This is looking like a definite wait for DVD for me. It just looks boring as all heck.

7500- Instead of SNAKES ON A PLANE, you have ghosts on a plane. looks like a talented cast, interesting premise, but it’s directed by the director of the GRUDGE, and I wasn’t a fan of any of those films. And the reason is shown in this trailer, it’s all jump cuts and screeching sounds, rather than making a scary movie, the director just makes a discordant one. Just going by the trailer it looks like a hack job, a rental at best.

BOURNE LEGACY- The trailer is okay. Doesn’t really blow me away or give any impression that it will be up to the first trilogy, specifically the last film. That said the film sports great actors, so that alone is swaying me to check this one out on the big screen.

Okay, that’s all for now.